Vallejo Grey Primer / White 951 / London Grey 836 / Brass 801 / Red 847 / Pale Grey 73202 (wash) / Light Green 942 / Vallejo Matt
1. I started off with a grey primer.
2. Added the primary colors; white, grey, red and brass (antenna on the underside).
2a. The white I added with multiply thin coats till white. (debated on air brushing the white).
2b. a small part, but not easy to see is the green and red lights on the top left and right was added.
3. Wash over white and grey areas.
4. Painted white once again the raised panels.
5. Matt seal entire model.
6. Added decals using Micro Set.
7. Matt seal over decals.
Things I thought about doing, blue on the top engine part on the sides and there were this decals for I left out because I didn't think it would add to the miniature, besides they were a pain to cut out but may add them at a later date depending on how they look on the regular Frigates.
The following images show you a before and after the wash is added and panels repainted white.
I am still working on the base art work for the arcs of fire with illustrator, and I will get back to finishing that when I get more ships completed. Over all I am very happy with the outcome of this project.
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