Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursdays game canceled (today) but more lined up.

Friend dropped his bike on a metal plate and got hurt a bit, so my game with him got canceled. I hope he gets better soon enough.

I do have a few things lined up so hope to get some game on soon enough.

  • Thursday (today) - SAGA <<canceled game>> w/George K.
  • Sunday 9/30/12 - Leviathans w/Mike D.
  • Saturday 10/7/12 - Flames of War w/Chris T.
  • Saturday 10/20/12 - Heavy Gear Blitz w/Brian H.
Where is my Star Fleet game going to happen, my friend Richard hasn't touched bases on when he is free to play.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fed CA status

I am close to getting ready to do the decals, just going over the painting a bit more to make sure things are in order. I also did a little touch up on a Frigate also. I hope to finish tonight or tomorrow night depending how I feel, may stop by the hobby shop this Sunday.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Picture of 2 Battle Frigates and 2 Frigates

Just a quick shot of four ships together, I still need to fix that decal on that one ship, it is starting to bother me just looking at it.


Two frigates finished, one more then time for the Heavy Cruiser and Dreadnought. I think I will do the Heavy  Cruiser first.

Top front view of the NCC - 305 (USS HAWAII) with NCC - 306 (USS LANAI) off to the side.

Angled shot showing the side of the NCC - 306 (USS LANAI) with the NCC - 305 (USS HAWAII) on the right.

A bottom shot to show the decals which most people will not see while playing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

USS MAUI followed by USS OAHU

I put on the decal different on the USS MAUI, and I find it looks better then the USS OAHU. I will go back to the OAHU at a later date to try and replace the decal and hope it either moves or can be replaced. But for now I will just leave it.

USS OAHU - Battle Frigate

Here is a finished Battle Frigate, the USS OAHU. A basic paint job with great decals. All paints were Vallejo paints. Paints used and steps after photos.

Vallejo Grey Primer / White 951 / London Grey 836 / Brass 801 / Red 847 / Pale Grey 73202 (wash) / Light Green 942 / Vallejo Matt

1. I started off with a grey primer.
2. Added the primary colors; white, grey, red and brass (antenna on the underside).
2a. The white I added with multiply thin coats till white. (debated on air brushing the white).
2b. a small part, but not easy to see is the green and red lights on the top left and right was added.
3. Wash over white and grey areas.
4. Painted white once again the raised panels.
5. Matt seal entire model.
6. Added decals using Micro Set.
7. Matt seal over decals.

Things I thought about doing, blue on the top engine part on the sides and there were this decals for I left out because I didn't think it would add to the miniature, besides they were a pain to cut out but may add them at a later date depending on how they look on the regular Frigates.

The following images show you a before and after the wash is added and panels repainted white.

I am still working on the base art work for the arcs of fire with illustrator, and I will get back to finishing that when I get more ships completed. Over all I am very happy with the outcome of this project.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Osprey Publishing 2013 releases for miniature game rules

As some people know Osprey Publishing is bringing out rule books made by other people. With the quality of a real book company behind them, this makes these games more appealing to a bigger group of people. Most game companies can't organize books for the life of them.

Here is there 2013 release schedule as of now, I am sure it will change of something else is added to it.

Now if I only could see what the Ronin book is all about that would be good to know.

Force on Force

Trying to learn the game Force on Force with Ken. Though we played a bunch of things wrong I think I will need more games under my belt till I get the feel and rules correctly played. Played three games, but got bogged down because my friend wanted to speed things up without looking up rules. That wouldn't have been a problem if this wasn't a learning game, which I thought we had discussed before playing on last Saturday. 

Here is where I got very good rolls in and he had pulled a gas mask card which total destroyed his US forces ability to fight well.

The other games didn't go as smoothly due to using the hidden rules and initiative rules wrong, but over all I had fun that day.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Busy making quick play sheets for Star Fleet

I have busy relearning the adobe line of software. Busy creating useful documents and am close to getting the hang of the software.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Got two games in with my friend. Federation vs Klingons, got both wins. The game system has a few quarks to it. A good overall tactical challenge none the less. I should pit up a review on my thoughts on the game later on.

On another note my decals should be in soon, for the price I hope they are of good quality.

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